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Aaron McKisic • Nov 14, 2019
And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man. Luke 2:52 has been one of the most perplexing verses in the bible for me. Maybe I am the only one, but whenever someone is talking about Jesus, I imagine Jesus, the adult. What I never think about is that Jesus wasn't born an adult. Sure, I know the story of the baby in the manger, but, then we fast forward to turning water into wine, and suddenly Jesus didn't have a childhood. I never think about how he had to learn how to walk, talk, and put on his robe. I never think about how he may have had growing pains, a cracking voice, or a stubby beard. But what blows my mind more than anything, is that Jesus grew in favor with God. This verse takes place before any miracle occurs or before any disciple follows him. At this point in scripture, Jesus was only 12 years old.

In verse 43, Jesus' parents forget him at a party. A whole day passes before they realize they left the savior of the universe behind! When they found Jesus, he was going toe to toe with the spiritual leaders and blowing the minds of those who were privileged to sit in on the conversation. As any reasonable parents would, Mary and Joseph ask why Jesus would do such a thing to them (which I find ridiculous. I don't know about the 12-year-olds in Jesus' day, but I wouldn't blame a 6th grader for being left behind. Just saying). Jesus' response, I would imagine, creates a pretty awkward moment. "Why were you searching for me? Didn't you know I had to be in my Father's house?"

In just two questions, Jesus makes it clear that he associates more with the heavenly Father than he does with his earthly parents. Not understanding what he is talking about, Jesus' parents take him home. Between being grounded and gaining favor, something happens. Jesus is obedient.

Jesus makes it clear that his place is in the temple, yet he submits to the authority of his parents. Even Jesus decided to delay what was his for the sake of holiness. By intentionally delaying what Jesus knew was his by being obedient, not lazy, he was able to gain something that he may arguably not have had he stayed at the temple. Though there may be many things that lead to a growing favor with the Father, let us consider that obedience be the first and foremost reason. Is it possible that there are things that we do in life that impact how God engages with us? Yes.

What an uncomfortable thought! 

God's favor is what sets the stage for the miraculous and unbelievable to happen. God's favor is what distinguishes those who are obedient and those who are lax. God's favor gets us behind locked doors.

What does that even mean?! Have you ever found yourself in a room where you think, "Why was I invited to this meeting?" or, "At what point did I become their equal?". These questions aren't a lack of confidence but are simply a realization that a "leap" has taken place. Favor is to blame. It brings us into rooms, before people, and into situations that we never thought possible. But, unlike anointings, giftings, and callings, favor is not freely given, it is a response to obedience. But obedience to what? Proverbs 3:3 instructs to bind mercy and truth around your neck and to write them on your heart. By obeying this instruction, you will grow in favor and stature with God (and even men). It is that simple.

But it isn't that easy.

To hold to mercy and truth in every scenario requires something that God gives without restraint: grace. However, that does not undo everything that was just stated. Though favor is not freely given but is a response to a lifestyle, it is only by God's grace that we can even come close to that lifestyle. Grace empowers us to offer mercy and lean into truth. In doing so, we gain access to His favor. What a relief!

Favor costs much, and it is clear that the bible requires us to pay for this through mercy and truth. However, we only obtain mercy and truth through grace. Grace is a person, and his name is Jesus. It is only through Jesus that we find it possible to receive favor with God. It is only through locking eyes and arms with the King of kings that we find ourselves behind locked doors.
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